The Right’s right to be wrong
Has anyone else noticed the ever increasing drift from reality
those famous bed-partners – the Coalition and the Murdoch media – have
settled comfortably into?
Not only have they drifted into a land that resembles nothing like
the one where we others dwell, they also have some absurd idea that this
new, fabulous paradise is all that exists.
But alas, unbeknown to them it renders them ignorant, and oh so hypocritical.
Take Joe Hockey for example. He repeatedly bellowed that the age of
entitlement was over, and followed up with a budget that showed us that
the age of entitlement is of course over, except for those who are entitled to it.
It’s a strange world he lives in. It’s not in this universe.
Miranda Devine lives there too.
Her blog piece, ‘The Left’s race to call us all bigots‘
was the inspiration for my satirical response in calling this piece
‘The Right’s right to be wrong’. I didn’t have to read all the article
to see how wrong, hypocritical, and off the planet Ms Devine must be. I
got as far as the first two sentences:
The self-appointed tolerance tsars of Australia areThere is much in those claims to dispute, but I want to focus on Islamophobia where there is none to be found.
having such a hard time proving Australia is a land of bigots they are
now jumping at shadows.
They see racism where most people see patriotism. They cry
Islamophobia where there is none to be found. They hear dog whistles
that never sounded. They are obviously losing their collective minds.
Maybe Ms Devine hasn’t been reading the very paper she writes for,
which over the last month has been belting us with the news that does
nothing more than highlight that we live in a country where Islamophobia
has become a part of the national psyche.
Let’s take a random look at what her newspaper – and other media outlets – have been saying:
# Young filmmaker Kamal Saleh is optimistic for the future of Australia after his social experiment on Islamophobia but says discrimination remains an issue in the community.
# Five threatening letters delivered
to Muslim businesses and groups in Lakemba are being investigated by
police, with more incidents believed to be going unreported. Campsie
crime manager detective Inspector Paul Albury said the material was
offensive and would be to anybody in the community. “It’s degrading,
disgusting and derogatory to people and their religion,” he said.
# Last week, after Bernardi’s comments, I was interviewed by the ABC
for an explanatory article on the burqa, the niqab, and my choice of
garment, the hijab, which covers only a woman’s hair, neck and
shoulders. Bizarrely, when posted by the ABC on Facebook, the article
received more comments than the ABC’s reports on the anti-terror raids
themselves. The comments section is sobering reading for anyone with any
doubts about the perniciousness of Islamophobia in Australia.
# Australia has emerged as a fertile environment for Islamophobia.
Stereotypical representations of Muslims in the early years of the “War
on Terror” – which linked terrorism, violence and Islam – gained wide
currency by the mid-2000s. Sections of the news media, politicians and social media
have re-activated these stereotypes. Muslim Australians are made to
feel they are targets – for everything from the everyday racism
encountered in schools and on the streets, to draconian
counter-terrorism legislation that restricts civil liberties, to war and
the preparations for war.
# In the contemporary socio-political context of Australia, Islamophobia continues to be haunted by the cycle of moral panics around the Muslim “Other.”
# Tony Abbott has been urged to speak out more strongly against Islamophobia in Australia
following reports of mosques being defaced, women verbally abused on
the street and death threats issued to Muslim figures. Community leaders
have said they are deeply worried that Australia’s mission against
Islamic State (Isis) and recent anti-terrorism raids are fuelling attacks against Muslims in Australia.
# The waves of abuse on social media has also highlighted how open bigotry has become, as if the disgust around the Islamic State has given a free pass to intolerance.
# Many Muslim women, say Ms Kay and other community members, are fearful of going out
and many won’t venture far beyond their homes. Ahmed Kilani, editor of
website, says some are now questioning whether
Australia is still a safe and tolerant society. “My own mother rang me
yesterday,” Mr Kilani told SBS, “with concern about what’s going, she
said, ‘I don’t feel safe and secure.’ She made the comment to me that
despite living here for 40 years which is a lot longer than she lived in
Egypt. She said perhaps I need to consider moving back there and
questioned whether I should go and get myself a dual citizenship in case
things get really bad.” Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim
Soutphommasane has called for calm, saying, “Muslim Australians are
entitled to a fair go and to be treated with respect and there is simply
no place for this kind of bigotry and this kind of criminal behaviour.”
I’m sure by now that you get my point. And to top it off The Daily
Telegraph – the very paper Ms Devine works for – even published an
article titled ‘Incidents of Islamophobia‘.
I’m baffled that Ms Devine finds it necessary not only to blame the
Left for Islamophobia in this country – then announces that it doesn’t
exist here anyway – yet works in an industry (and a newspaper) that
keeps telling us how rampant it is.
If I may borrow an old adage: who makes this shit up?
The drift from reality is almost complete. She is quickly catching up to Joe Hockey.
to Muslim businesses and groups in Lakemba are being investigated by
police, with more incidents believed to be going unreported. Campsie
crime manager detective Inspector Paul Albury said the material was
offensive and would be to anybody in the community. “It’s degrading,
disgusting and derogatory to people and their religion,” he said.
# Last week, after Bernardi’s comments, I was interviewed by the ABC
for an explanatory article on the burqa, the niqab, and my choice of
garment, the hijab, which covers only a woman’s hair, neck and
shoulders. Bizarrely, when posted by the ABC on Facebook, the article
received more comments than the ABC’s reports on the anti-terror raids
themselves. The comments section is sobering reading for anyone with any
doubts about the perniciousness of Islamophobia in Australia.
# Australia has emerged as a fertile environment for Islamophobia.
Stereotypical representations of Muslims in the early years of the “War
on Terror” – which linked terrorism, violence and Islam – gained wide
currency by the mid-2000s. Sections of the news media, politicians and social media
have re-activated these stereotypes. Muslim Australians are made to
feel they are targets – for everything from the everyday racism
encountered in schools and on the streets, to draconian
counter-terrorism legislation that restricts civil liberties, to war and
the preparations for war.
# In the contemporary socio-political context of Australia, Islamophobia continues to be haunted by the cycle of moral panics around the Muslim “Other.”
# Tony Abbott has been urged to speak out more strongly against Islamophobia in Australia
following reports of mosques being defaced, women verbally abused on
the street and death threats issued to Muslim figures. Community leaders
have said they are deeply worried that Australia’s mission against
Islamic State (Isis) and recent anti-terrorism raids are fuelling attacks against Muslims in Australia.
# The waves of abuse on social media has also highlighted how open bigotry has become, as if the disgust around the Islamic State has given a free pass to intolerance.
# Many Muslim women, say Ms Kay and other community members, are fearful of going out
and many won’t venture far beyond their homes. Ahmed Kilani, editor of
website, says some are now questioning whether
Australia is still a safe and tolerant society. “My own mother rang me
yesterday,” Mr Kilani told SBS, “with concern about what’s going, she
said, ‘I don’t feel safe and secure.’ She made the comment to me that
despite living here for 40 years which is a lot longer than she lived in
Egypt. She said perhaps I need to consider moving back there and
questioned whether I should go and get myself a dual citizenship in case
things get really bad.” Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim
Soutphommasane has called for calm, saying, “Muslim Australians are
entitled to a fair go and to be treated with respect and there is simply
no place for this kind of bigotry and this kind of criminal behaviour.”
I’m sure by now that you get my point. And to top it off The Daily
Telegraph – the very paper Ms Devine works for – even published an
article titled ‘Incidents of Islamophobia‘.
I’m baffled that Ms Devine finds it necessary not only to blame the
Left for Islamophobia in this country – then announces that it doesn’t
exist here anyway – yet works in an industry (and a newspaper) that
keeps telling us how rampant it is.
If I may borrow an old adage: who makes this shit up?
The drift from reality is almost complete. She is quickly catching up to Joe Hockey.
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